European TV Carriers?

I caught two weak carriers in the morning of MAR 19, 2002. These carriers had some flutter. Here are sound files recorded at this time.

Sound Files

File RX [MHz] Date JST Contents Probable QTH
#1 48.241 USB 2002 MAR 19 0816 48.242205-7 MHz Muro, Portugal
#2 48.249 USB 2002 MAR 19 0817 48.250126 MHz Madrid, Spain?
JST = UTC + 9h.

From My Log

JST #1 #2
0800a 48.2422052 S1 48.2501242 S1
0814 48.2422070 48.2501260
0825 f/o 48.2501264
0830 f/o

On 50MHz, several European stations were reported from JA7 around this hour.


Digipan pictures of these sound files. Vertical scales are time in seconds.


My RX was set to 48.241MHz USB, so the bright yellow line with the green flag was around 48.2422424MHz. The error of my RX frequency was about +36.0AHz so the actual frequency would be about 48.242206MHz (48.2422424 - 0.0000360 = 48.2422064). This line is not sharp, a little thick because of the flutter. The weak signal at 600Hz is a computer noise.



My RX was set to 48.249MHz USB. The actual frequency would be about 48.250122MHz (48.2501580 - 0.0000360 = 48.2501220). You can see lots of very weak signails... maybe from my computer display (V-sync = 75Hz).


TOP Email to Kunihiko Nakano(c) OCT 28, 2010