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Measured Frequencies of DX TV Stations

Included data are Oct 6--Oct15(19), 16, 18--20


I am not sure how much is the errors of my measurement. The 0.1Hz digit has no meaning, just for calculation. According to my result of 45.239 60MHz, Te Aroha,

Measured 25 times. The results are:
	45.239 598	 1
	45.239 599	 5
	45.239 600	16
	45.239 601	 3

| |45.239 598|45.239 599|45.239 600|
|*|      *   |***  * ***|** ** **  |
| |          |     * ** |*  *   *  |
| |          |     * ** |          |
| |          |        * |          |

MHz             YYMMDD  JST
45.239 599 2    011005  1229    S=1
45.239 599 8    011009  0746    S=7 50Hz
45.239 600 3    011009  0810    S=3
45.239 599 8    011010  0800
45.239 599 7    011010  0841
45.239 600 7    011015  0719
45.239 599 7    011016  0816    S=7
45.239 600 3    011016  0820
45.239 598 6    011017  0726    S=1 0745 S=4
45.239 599 8    011017  1421
45.239 600 4    011018  1242    S=2
45.239 599 9    011019  1208    S=7
45.239 599 5    011020  0833    weak
45.239 597 9    011020  0947    S=8
45.239 599 7    011021  0923    S=3
45.239 600 6    011023  0732    S=8
45.239 599 0    011023  0939    S=6
45.239 600 1    011023  1213    S3
45.239 600 0    011024  0801    vy weak
45.239 599 8    011024  1012    S4
45.239 599 5    011024  1322    weak
45.239 598 8    011025  0825
45.239 600 7    011027  1849
45.239 599 1    011222  09950   S9+ 50Hz
45.239 600 0    011225  0934    S2

TOP Email to Kunihiko Nakano(c) MAR 1, 2007